Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Celebrating International Day of the Girl!


Celebrating International Day of the Girl!

On Friday morning, in celebration of International Day of the Girl, ICRW hosted a discussion on why adolescent girls are key for overcoming global poverty in the post-2015 development agenda.

But to address the needs of adolescent girls, they must be heard. To amplify girls' voices, the event showcased an exhibition of photographs taken by adolescent child brides in Ethiopia, launched the Girl Declaration in D.C., and marked the release of ICRW’s accompanying report, "I Know. I Want. I Dream.” Girls' Insights to Building a Better World,  featuring the voices of more than 500 adolescent girls who helped shape it.

Photo © David Snyder/ICRW
 Did you know that girls with higher levels of schooling are less likely to marry as children? In Mozambique, some 60% of girls with no education are married by 18, compared to 10% of girls with secondary schooling and less than 1% of girls with higher education.

Make a real difference in the world, join our Turning Point Campaign:  Changing the Course for Adolescent Girls Worldwide. DONATE TODAY
Exhibit features photographs taken by married girls in Ethiopia 

The exhibit showcased at Friday's event displayed photographs from 10 married girls and young women who were all participants in TESFA, a program implemented by CARE Ethiopia and evaluated by ICRW. The photographs depict the world through the girls' eyes and provide a glimpse into their experiences with the program.

View Photographs »

ICRW Releases "I Know. I Want. I Dream.” Girls' Insights to Building a Better World

Friday's event also marked the release of ICRW's latest report, "I Know. I Want. I Dream.” Girls' Insights to Building a Better World. To ensure that girls’ voices are heard, and that their challenges are considered and included in the post-2015 development agenda, consultations with over 500 girls from 14 countries were held. The product was this report, which also helped to shape Girl Effect’s Girl Declaration.   

Save Women Lives--October is Domestiv Violence Awareness month

Every month, 46 women are murdered with guns by a current or former intimate partner. This isn't just the month of Halloween--October is also Domestic Violence Awareness month

Monday, October 14, 2013

Day of the GIrl

October 11th was Girl's Day! Although we didn't get to celebrate it yet in our workshop or club, I'm glad that we have a day set aside for girls' benefit. If you want to learn more, go to for more information provided by Feminist Majority.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Club Mentioned!

I was so thrilled! Our club had a massive turnout and tons of people signed up. Our club was even mentioned on our school home page, along with a picture taken of the three student leaders of the club. I was glad to see so many people excited about girl change.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

October Fundraising

October is a big week for the Girl Battle. Our various supporters, in the club and in the workshop, are going to continue to strive to raise money to provide better circumstances for girls--more particularly education. A large organization we will donating to is Girl's Learn International GLI. So keep in touch as we ready our bake sales and events!

Monday, September 30, 2013

End Slavery: INDIGENOUSE - Organic - Fair Trade Fashion

End Slavery: INDIGENOUSE - Organic - Fair Trade Fashion:      know that it's hard for some of you, even me, to give up all sweatshop stores and that's okay.  Our goal is to reduce the amoun...

End Slavery: Protect Yourself

End Slavery: Protect Yourself:      A huge way that you can help prevent human trafficking is by protecting yourself .  There have been many incidents in which a girl (us...

End Slavery: Eden (Reblogged)

End Slavery: Eden: Hey guys!  So i just saw a movie called Eden which is about a girls who is trafficked into sex slavery and all of the situations she encount...

Writing "Strong" Women

Reblogged from Tumblr from scaryscared face: “Screw writing “strong” women. Write interesting women. Write well-rounded women. Write complicated women. Write a woman who kicks ass, write a woman who cowers in a corner. Write a woman who’s desperate for a husband. Write a woman who doesn’t need a man. Write women who cry, women who rant, women who are shy, women who don’t take no shit, women who need validation and women who don’t care what anybody thinks. THEY ARE ALL OKAY, and all those things could exist in THE SAME WOMAN. Women shouldn’t be valued because we are strong, or kick-ass, but because we are people. So don’t focus on writing characters who are strong. Write characters who are people.
— Words of great wisdom on strong female characters~ by madlori (vialaughingskeleton)

Responses at Cambridge to Feminism

Reblogged from tumblr, from awkwardsituationist:
cambridge university students were asked on campus why they needed feminism. here are 60 answers. click the link for over about 600 more.